Juvenile Male Black Dragon Water Monitor - Varanus salvator #2
Juvenile Male Black Dragon Water Monitor - Varanus salvator #2
Juvenile Male Black Dragon Water Monitor - Varanus salvator #2
Juvenile Male Black Dragon Water Monitor - Varanus salvator #2
Juvenile Male Black Dragon Water Monitor - Varanus salvator #2

Juvenile Male Black Dragon Water Monitor - Varanus salvator #2

Sale price$1,799.99
Sold out

Cold Blooded Shop has a Juvenile Male Black Dragon Water Monitor - Varanus salvator for Sale!

  • Scientific Name: Varanus salvator
  • Imported WC
  • Male
  • Approximately 3 Feet in length from head to tail
  • Adults can grow up to 6 - 7 Feet in length from head to tail
  • This monitor can be defensive *recommended for experienced keepers only*
  • Exact Animal for Sale Pictured

    Care Information

    Tank Size

    Baby / Juvenile:
    A 30 - 40 gallon enclosure is recommended.

    Sub-Adult / Adult:
    A tall 8x4 foot enclosure with large water source is recommended.

    Tank Temperatures

    Basking Spot: 120° - 150°F
    Ambient: 75° - 80°F

    To achieve this, proper lighting fixtures will be needed. As well as a thermostat.

    Tank Humidity

    60% - 70%

    To achieve this, you will need a humidity gauge, as well as a spray bottle, or you can purchase a mist machine. A large water source to soak in is recommended.

    Animal's Diet

    Baby / Juvenile:
    Vitamin dusted small crickets, discoid or dubia roaches, pinky mice, fish, and poultry.
    (1 meal everyday)

    Sub-Adult / Adult:
    Whole chicks and a variety of poultry, whole fish, and full sized rodents.
    (1 meal a day, twice a week)

    Substrate & Decor

    We recommend cypress mulch, coco chips, or even bio-active substrates for the bedding. These monitors need lots of foliage and hides to explore, as well as a large pool of water to soak in.


    Names & Classifications:

    Scientific Name: Varanus salvator

    Common Names: Water Monitor, Asian Water Monitor


    For inquiries, email us at info@coldbloodedshop.com
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