Baby White Eyed Crocodile Skink - Tribolonotus novaeguineae
- Scientific Name: Tribolonotus novaeguineae
- Captive Bred
- Approximately 2 inches in length from head to tail
- Adults can grow up to 7-9 inches from head to tail
- Great beginner pet lizard!
Care Information

Tank Size
A Long 30x12 inch enclosure is recommended for this ground dwelling skink.

Tank Temperatures
Ambient: 75° - 78°F
A UVB light fixture would benifit these animals.
DISCLOSURE: We strongly advise against the use of heat lamps, or any heat pads for this animal.

Tank Humidity
70% - 90%
To achieve this, you will need a humidity gauge, as well as a spray bottle, or you can purchase a mist machine.

Animal's Diet
Agile hunters Feeding on calcium D3 dusted crickets, roaches, and mealworms. We recommend feeding them daily when they're young. In adulthood, you can scale back on feeding by skipping a day.

Substrate & Decor
We recommend a mix of coconut fiber, loam soil, and sphagnum moss for the bedding. These skinks need lots of foliage with small climbing branches, basking rocks, hides, and a small water bowl.